
Here I am...right by your side...
I can hear... your breathing...
Oh, babe! I just can't hide...
I'm longing for this feeling...
Believe me...I'll be always near...

Let me dream...
About your sweet lips...
Please, let me dream...
About your tender fingertips...
And if U have the same for me,
Please, don't hold in...
Oh, honey...set it free...
I don't expect a thing from U...
And there's nothing stop me loving U!
And still, I keep on dreaming...

Here I am...right by your side...
Please, don't abuse my feelings...
Just look into my eyes!
And tell me what is right?
I cannot be so far,
I can't resist and I can't fight...
Don't be affraid, cause I'm still near...


I look into your ground eyes,
I feel like drowning in this feeling
I feel the beating of your heart
And keep on dreaming...
I wish U were with me here...
I'm longing to be with U, Dear...
My heart just can't resist this feeling...!
But still, I keep on dreaming...
Still dreaming...

About your sweet lips...

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