You feel?

I feel I can reveal myself,
and you won't tell a soul.
I feel like I can talk to you,
and you will make me whole.
I feel your anger and your tears,
your laughter makes me feel sublime...

I’ll feel your presence through the years -
our bond will stand the time.

You're alive just when you feel! Sometimes the feelings are stronger than our mind, but then we could make beautiful stupid things, for love! :)

Trnation   20.06.2003 02:50     Заявить о нарушении
yea, you are right... just make sure that the state of "alive" doesn't get terminated because of those stupid beautiful things =0)))

how are you doing anyway?

Marsha   20.06.2003 11:21   Заявить о нарушении
Now more or less better, just very confused and... still loving her. At least now she reads my poems, so I hope they can reach her heart and open her eyes to me as they were open once...
And about stupid things... well, I think that if there are done for love, then they also will be brave things and their nonsense will turn into the sense of love :)
My best best wishes to you, Sasha.

Trnation   21.06.2003 10:59   Заявить о нарушении
Good! i just got back from the pub - feeling slightly dizzy, so i guess i'd go to bed now. keep writing!


Marsha   22.06.2003 02:36   Заявить о нарушении