Dolphin s lyrics in translation some of them


I am throwing pale leaves into the fire,
Prepping the sky with the smoke…they are dying.
In ashes they soar, having burnt to the core –
I’m wiping soot flakes with my hand off my face.

Seems it’s all been before – I am just very tired.
It is cold in my heart and I’m feeling so numb.
With a rustle of death leaves are swallowed by fire…
Better burn down than rot longing for spring to come.

You should always forgive those whose souls are too petty –
It’s enough that they spend all their lifetimes regretting…
And my blurry reflection in the deep water surface
I’ll destroy with white foam of my spittle, on purpose.

The gold’s falling down from trees – what a shame…
The wind steals the leaves that have lost in the game.
With its predator’s paw it grabs more leaves each day,
And the trees stretch their hands – all they can is obey.

How many years, how many days –
It depends how you count, but it still is a maze.
Something has happened, or something’s been done –
Something for future, and something for fun.

Gladness in seconds, burning and small,
Giving to children, but mean to us all.
It swells up in spring giving birth to desire
And becomes burning leaves in the great autumn fire.


It is larger than my heart
It is scarier than a jump from the peak
It is much louder than a rabid man’s cry,
But much quieter than a mouse’s squeak.

It’s what everyone’s searching for on their way,
Keeps on finding, losing, finding again...
It wanders around with an evil grin on its face under the veil –
I’m talking about LOVE...isn’t it all in vain?

She is weightless herself,
She is lighter than your thoughts,
But remember how your soul was ripped when she was leaving,
How bitter the grief was in your teardrops.

With her pale tender hands she will
Throw the deadly loop over your neck,
Leaving nothing former of you – making you pay the bill –
And will ask you to stand up on your tiptoes...and step back.

You won’t even have a chance to see her –
You will never look into her eyes;
But you keep on thinking of how not to hurt her,
And don’t believe she’s mean and cold as ice.

You can blossom with her or wither,
Be scoffed – as flowers by an aphid – and gone...
But still it’s better to snuff it that way,
Than having never loved anyone...

It’s good to be with her, and so strange without –
I am now longing for her tears of joy.
Once she has come – she’s already walking out,
Giving me insulting names to annoy.

And I am keeping my door under lock,
To make her knock before coming to stay,
And prevent her from being the one I’ve forgotten,
Who from I’ve taken a different way.

When you come back

When you come back I will be just the same,
Or possibly I will a little bit change…
When you come back there will pour down warm rain,
Or maybe the wind will be blowing insane.
When you come back winter’ll be on its way,
Or maybe the spring will be coming to stay…
I’ll run into you and we’ll go for a snack,
But that’ll be later…when you come back.

When you come back it will be summer night
And you will resemble a star – just as bright…
When you come back we will hear singing birds,
But we will keep silent, searching for words.
When you come back clouds up in the sky
Will float away leaving all of you mine…
You‘ll promise to stay, watching them take their track,
But that’ll be later…when you come back.

When you come back – dive into my eyes,
There you will see you reflection inside…
When you come back I will kneel at your feet
And in my chest you will hear my heart beat.
When you come back there’ll be tears in my eyes,
It may not be serious or may be disguised…
And maybe emotions are just what you lack,
But that’ll be later…when you come back.

When you come back I’ll be sober as cliff,
And let you dispose of my very last spliff…
When you come back last blood drops from my arm
Will enter the syringe. I will do no harm.

When you come back all will be up to you –
Flowers and friends and romance, maybe, too…

But now you are FUCKING HIM at your best knack –
All the rest will be later…when you come back.
