Из серии Понты для приезжих

Man and woman to fuck not obligatory
Man and woman just can speak
Each other different words
Man and woman can look
To the eyes each other
Walk along street
And keep hands each other

*  *  *

The more you consume
The less you live
The more you drink
The less you live
The more you see TV
The less you live

*  *  *

I fell to violet snow
I fell to violet color
I closed my eyes
And sow
Orange paradise
Where under
Orange sky
Grow greenest pines
And She’s dancing with me,
With  Violet Spy
Pretty songs are sung
By chorus of mulattos
In oranges shoes
Cold is leaving
And time quiet lose
Mandarine blues,
Mandarine blues

Mandarine Queen
Give me an orange kiss
Give me your
Mandarine lips
Mandarine  Queen
Blind me by luster of
Orange  clips
Mandarine  Queen
Make me to forget
Violet tilts…
Violet smells…
Ring of violet bells…
...Cold is leaving
And time quiet lose
Mandarine blues,
Mandarine blues…

*  *  *

Some coffee
Some milk
Some moisture
Some silk
Some touches
Some grass
Some kisses
Some juzz
Some wrestling
Some flight
Some movement
Some cry
Some coffee
Some milk

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