
   i wanna breath but only by Your wispers
my ice-tea burns by  fiery angel's eyes
In heaven's bar i like You only mistress
i sold the sea, but just can't buy Your smile -
i've never seen You! in my life, in sleeping
Some time i saw Your voice but it was rain;
Sky cries on people, thunder grants his lips on
Tears cleans Your steps, it's very usual pain
In rare day, when Sun strikes back to night
No clouds in high, my heart is start to grow
i see Your eyes in every butterfly
i feel Your steps, but where're You - i don't know
We often walk each other - single road
Leads us to far sunrise & shore
Of pure sand, with old forgotten boat
We sail to end of ocean, even more...
But every time when i just catch Your wispers
& sun walk down to the milky night
You melt away in shades of star with bliss-ters
& all the rest - just quiet hidden light

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