Love-and-life story

She was so young and youth in brown eyes
Was deeply conscious, full of cleaver mind.
She loved an honesty and hated any lies
And lives alone since parents have died.

She shunned a love and was aloof from men.
She never was a curious of chirring.
She hardly was nine years older ten.
But life already seemed her being boring.

She did expect that day as one of many.
With wistful gaze was walking near quay.
When suddenly she faced to face with Deny.
I am still thanks God conducting me that way!

She looked of being taken unawares
And brown eyes were startled seeing me.
How splendid were her dark and wavy hair.
She was created to be deeply loved by me.

She still was young after passing years
And in her brown eyes a dignity still shined.
We always will be best of happy pairs.
And this is our live – the story just described.

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