The clear feeling

I know: it can’t be otherwise
My feeling is so clear:
I love your legs, your breast, your eyes,
I know, it’s love, my dear.

And I do hope, you’ll understand:
We have to be together:
If you say ‘No’, I will be dead,
If you say ‘Yes’, I’ll live forever!

Until my grave I will be yours,
I swear to you now and of course
You will be mine, forever young,
Just like a flower, like a bung.

You are my princess, you’re my dear,
You’re rose in garden, golden ring,
You’re in my heart, free like a deer,
I hope you’ll choose me as your king.

Without you I’m just like a tree,
That can not grow without some water,
Without you I will not be free
Just like in mine life-convict worker.

Please, tell me ‘Yes’, I pray to you,
As well as I do pray to God,
To make my only dream come true,
With flower petals that is stud.

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