По одноименному фильму The Gladiator

                Это эпоха, целый мир.

It was a whole year ago.
I was in expedition. So,
We found some exciting place –
The scene of gladiator games.
There was a knife, a very old,
The letters on it were just bold.
I could read “Commodos” on them.
Perhaps, it was the owner’s name.

That night I couldn’t sleep at all,
I felt myself disgusting whole.
To shorten time, I took the knife
To read some interesting above.

The sudden whisper caught my ear,
And here is story I could hear:

“ You have a father? I’m a son,
I’m proud of my father now.
I was adopted, ceasar’s love
Has made me what I now are.

O, that were golden, golden times,
We won the battles in the rhymes,
I was to be The General,
When all this stopped. I’ll tell you how.

The ceasar had two children yet:
Commodos, son, was weak and bad.
Luisa, daughter, strong and slim –
The best of women I have seen.

I loved her, earlier it was,
I got my family, she – hers,
We were good friends until the day
When all my wishes suffered break.

That day I won the battle hard,
I asked permission to depart.
I wanted see my wife and son,
Ceasar agreed. He asked me then

That I accepted sign of honor –
Become The General of Rome.

I asked for time, he said – sunset.
That was the last time when I met
The Ceasar. Later in a day
I hurried, knowing of his death.

This wasn’t simple death – I’ve seen
His face. He didn’t smile in peace.
So… he was dead, I was alive,
My only purpose was – survive

In battle next. Commodos sent
My legion, hoping to forget
Of me.He didn’t seem to love
One more son of his father’s life.

It was the worst day since my birth –
I was in blood and I was hurt.
It wasn’t possible to fight
One to the whole army guard.

I was alive, but stayed alone,
With last efforts I hurried home.
The intuition made me feel
Like stone falling from a hill.

Before I saw my native home,
I saw the village – it was burnt.
I hurried home without hope –
You can’t imagine that at all.

I see – how now – two corpses dead –
My wife and my son were hung yet.
Oh, if there is a stronger pain –
There is no God. I lost my brain,

I lost my consciousness. This time
Unconsciousness was source of life.

Somebody took the care of me,
Not to release, as fish in sea –
To sell. I was good warrior.
Soon I was healthy, not my soul.

My soul was dead. I wasn’t man,
I wasn’t father, neither friend.
There were some things, that – no regrets –
I could forgive, but not forget.

The Gladiator. That was I.
The name “Spaniard” was also my.
It wasn’t difficult for me
To win the games – not real things.

I knew the fight, and how to win –
That’s why my mates respected me.
I was the ceasar among slaves,
To be the leader was my fate.

The crowd was cruel. More and more
They wanna kill, they wanna show.
I couldn’t kill the helpless men,
And soon I “Merciful” became.

I’ve met my brother – Commodos.
He was the ceasar. All he does,
Was games and fights of slaves, so Rome
Without a leader was alone.

I had to help my only child –
It was the city, where my wife
Has born my son. And I was one
To protect it for many times.

Commodos thought – and he was right –
He was in danger while my life.
He tried to make me lose myself
To kill me. He has even said

How crucified his men my wife
And son… I wished not be alive
To hear that. The revenge bell
Rang stronger, with the greater pain.

I tried escape. This trying failed.
They caught me, crucified and chained.
Commodos knew – the crowd loved
Me, and proposed the final fight.

In brother’s hug he took this knife
To wound me – I was dead half,
I was to die. I had to win.
He was my brother. That was sin –

I killed him. Feeling very weak,
I ordered guard to leave slaves  free.
Then go to Rome. It should be great.
I’ve done my debt, and then I went”.

The whisper stopped. I can’t believe
The whole story… not to read.
I’m still awake. What was this? Dream?
My eyes are open, I don’t sleep.

What great a story! True or not –
No, doesn’t matter. Tell you what –
Idea is – you always have
Something to live, someone to help.

So, if you have – do not be small,
You can be hero after all.
No matter, what love make you act –
To wife, to fatherland, to friends,

If you are right – you win, if not –
Don’t fight at all. With Good is God.
