Vague simplicity

The cat sat on a mat,
‘t was sitting there for long, I bet.
A simple thing – a cat,
But who can say I did not bet?

I want to speak ‘bout soul
It really sounds like little spot…
Or more than like… a hole
Say, do you think bout that a lot?

You want to know what’s fate?
It’s not that I can’t say to you
Though I do really hate
To speak ‘bout things that are obscure.

Yes, we can speak all day,
Discuss all things – simple and not,
But what’s the use, what do you say?
‘t won’t change a thing in our weary world,
Oh, not, oh, not, oh ,not!

Looks, like you're trying to put the Russian style into Enlgish words. I've tried it a few times and kept those "masterpieces" for myself. You've got more nerve to put them to public display. Well, the road surrenders to the one who walks it! - Дорогу осилит идущий!
Way to go!
Your 1/2 Benjamin/Judah

Новый Мичиганец   17.09.2003 05:00     Заявить о нарушении
I never tried to do anything. Moreover, I've never thought of myself as a poet. I write, post, you read, evaluate. All this for the heck of it (no point at all). Wasting time, first mine, then yours. You think it's russian sense in english words, bravo, let it be. In my case, I don't care about the road.

Антон Благонравов   07.10.2003 11:23   Заявить о нарушении
whatever floats your boat!

Новый Мичиганец   09.10.2003 05:33   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.

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