Point of inspiration

At last
I lost my point of inspiration
And now
I just have some useless possetion.

But what it was
This corner of fame.
Was it by Joy
Or was it by Sin

Or was it just
A nacked girl
Which was lieing
In my empty soul.

She got up
And brushed her hair
It made me think,
I really swear.

Or was it just a dream
Of having a rest in peace
But nobody believe
If I say it was a kiss.

Oh yes, the kiss...
That gives a life to dead
And take it from the land.
(This is the fucking mess!)

But thinking good,
You know it was
A good one,
A friend of yours.

He wasn't tall,
He wasn't fat,
He was alright,
He wasn't bad...

But one thing is known
He forgets me.
And what is know
I lost him.

My point of inspiration...

To JW.


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