Global plot of dolphins by enslave the mankind

Dolphins are the cleverest wilds
They are oceanic uberfishes
Ecolog' people like it? Shit!

Dolphins take the second place
After the humans in the world
I know all about their plans

Fuck U-U-U… Dolphins! Fuck U-U-U… Dolphins! Fuck U-U-U… Dolphins!

There is a Dolphin Global Plot
It will be in next fucking summer
Each dolphin'll rise against us

What’s a hell d' you look at me
You oversucking fasist fish?
You blade-teeth smile is usurper

Suck U-U-U… Dolphins! Suck U-U-U… Dolphins! Suck U-U-U… Dolphins!

Cestoids the usurpers controls you
You fucking damned dolphin' mind
You want to enslave the mankind

Dolphins already enslaved the sharks
Demoniz'em, made them to kill people
It's the freshmeat for carnivorous dolphins

Shit U-U-U… Dolphins! Shit U-U-U… Dolphins! Shit U-U-U… Dolphins!

Putin had the swimming with the dolphins
Putin is usurper cestoid intelligence asshole
Putin had a plot with dolphins to kill Russians

Let’s make an alliance with the sharks
To make jihad against the dolphins
And their accomplices on the land by killing!

Dolphins have a Global Plot and want to kill mankind!
Greenpeace are agents of cestoids and the dolphins!
Destroy the oceans with the chemicals and nukes!

Fuck U-U-U… Dolphins! Fuck U-U-U… Dolphins!..
и так далее до потери пульса

Почему дельфины по развитию догоняют человечество?
Потому что они имеют заговор по порабощению человечества.
И проводят кровавую волю ленточных червей - захватчиков.

На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.