Internet reality... english
So don't move,
Don't say anything... Try this:
Bits, KB, MB, - typing...
Getting through the distance, right inside me.
Warm & soft or filthy & strong...
Omen, letters wriggle to an abyss,
Amen! To These moments, to Them all!
Handwriting - now it's a handtyping, handtalking,
handloving, handfriendship, handloneliness...
It's a part of our lives,
We all are living It, loving It, supporting all This!
Vaccine of electrodes, synthetics, additions of plastic,
That is what you looking at! and trusting...
There are fewer and fewer vivid friends, partners, loops...
What would the future be like? - A huge display and you?
Every one is in the net? A false love, touch, kiss...
In one hand a beer and the other typing this...
Свидетельство о публикации №103041400790
знаешь типа под 5nizza
Дмитрий Пет 15.01.2007 18:26 Заявить о нарушении
3bepb 20.01.2007 02:06 Заявить о нарушении