Английское Leaving my Angel

Time never coming back – this is the truth in essence,
The seconds falling down as leaves in autumn do;
The life is teaching me the unrepeated lessons
About loving you and also… leaving you.

I have to come back home – my life is waiting there,
I have to leave you, Angel, although I don’t know why
The Destiny puts us apart without care.
May be we’ll meet again, but now – just let me cry.

I’m crying, but I’m strong, I’ll pass through this for sure,
The tears will be gone, but memories will stay,
I’ll find the way to cope, I’ll find the way to cure,
I’ll manage through my life though you will be away.

Forgive me if I’m wrong in loving you, my dear.
Forget me if you want (of course I hope you don’t),
But I will be with you although you won’t be near,
I’ll keep you in my heart and this is what I want.


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