I choose Red

Lord Fate - please, catch me if you can,
I walking on strange wild ways
For many stars I just pretend
I loved by them for outer grace
I'd seen my life is full of light
With fruitful gems of women's souls
With blades of glorious fights
& crown of having superbowl, -
But beaten. Extra times, I think
By evil hordes, by beauty beasts
My blood-coctail was rare drink
& girls of Fate were imbue their lips
The night of shame still steal my feathers
I every time regenerate
My Sky was broken by Lord's Blizzards
But I grow up, my Lord of Fate!
You sent my friends to jail of dungeon,
In endless maze, but we were team
All world searched us in elder mansion
They miss, We rise, I now scream -
Through walls of thunder - stop for now!
I choose the red, & I am in!
If Fate has me, then I fly out
You cannot catch, cause you - my dream!

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