Unagreeable anomaly of Love

Prince, if You find no sense in my letter,
Try to address the essence with heart.
Breaking the logic, I'll tell You the matter...
You'll understand it (I hope!), You're smart.

Missing You, baby, when You're leaving,
I almost hate You when You stay with me...
I cannot stand it! I feel like I'm killing
In a great massacre what You give me.

Having a screw loose, getting some crazy,
Boiling in jealousy innocent mind,
I begin asking myself: 'What a maze it??'
Why am I now so cold and so wild??

I'll overcome it, I'll cope with this madness,
I'll be Your lover nights and by days....
I'll give You my tenderness, passion and fondness,
Just wait a bit, honey, I'll find my Faith....

Извини, что не по английски...
Стихотворение, о котором у нас шла речь готово. Называется "АЛЕКСАНДРА". Жду твоей рецензии.

Shade Memory   19.05.2003 19:04     Заявить о нарушении
Я прочитаю его обязательно...

Hellga   20.05.2003 17:13   Заявить о нарушении
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