
Guilty people fullfiled the Earth
Sin they do on every step
Sin posseses their mind
Sin precedes another sin

For Sin the answer is the Sin
The life is Sin equivalent
Repent you guilty Faults of Nature
Repent, as Sinners are in danger

There's no a man with sinless spirit
Even the monks are guilty inhabits
They're thought to be messengers of God on the Earth   
But soon they'll be suicided like rabits
Thousands of people enhaust every day...
Sins of Spirit I won't admit
I'll curse you body I'll doom you might
And life of yours will be complete

What do you live for? For just the sin-making?
What is you aim? You should go to the tomb...
The life-aim is broken,crashed and concreted
In darkness of hopeless sin-filled spirit Fault   

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