Oldest Russian riddles with - new answers

      ******* Terrible - new Riddles *******

(the Author has collected here the oldest Russian riddles with the MOST TERRIBLE - new answers )

1. The maiden in a dungeon, and the ends – in the street sits.

Answer old: Carrots
 Answer new: the Girl, with AIDS, is detained by militia on Tverskay.

2. Does not bark, does not bite, and in the house does not let.

Answer old: the Lock
Answer new: Osama bin Laden – was closed in the cave from Americans.

3. Without hands, without legs and to draw is able.

Answer old: the Frost
Answer new: the Invalid in a carriage, with own poster.

4. Two rings, two ends...

Answer old: Scissors
Answer new: the Extension on two fighting pomegranates.

5. The grandfather sits, in hundred fur coats is dressed. Who undresses him, that spills tears.

Answer old: the Onions
Answer new: Mavrodi, on appointment in Butirke with the investors.

6. Above ours hut – the piece hangs bread.

Answer old: Month (Moon)
Answer new: Saddam Husein - sits in occupied « the White House »

7. Without windows, without doors - a porno a room of people.

Answer old: the Cucumber
Answer new: Underground shootings of erotic film.

