King Of The Yesterday

I don’t ask you to forgive me
I don’t ask you to believe me
I am guilty
I’m so guilty
I’m the only one to blame
Yes, I know it’s hard to trust it
But, please, try be not disgusted
I’ve been villain
Oh, true villain
But your loving makes me saint

Yesterday I was your King
And you - my sweetheart lady-love
Today I’m miserable one
I am to blame and all the stuff
I’ve hurted you so badly, dear,
I’ve told you kind of goddamn lies
And there’s no way to change it, baby,
It makes me suffer, makes me cry

You know, honey, I appeal you
Please, oh baby, let me feel you
I am yours
Forever yours
Please, don’t ignore, don’t let me down
I worship you, my dearest angel,
I don’t want you be a stranger
Let me prove
How, babe, I love you
Let me be your King again
