Подражание поэту keanu reeves. let it smoke


keanu reeves
let it smoke

how many times i told her "i love u"
but she was cold like war like man-made clone
i cried bitter tears bitter dew
my woman's gone

she said these years her life was dreadful jail
life's not a fairy tale that she was born
for she is gone to kitchen to take the veil
to stay alone

i thought she had the direct right to mourn
i wished her well i gently tried to talk:
u know we live in total babylon
so let it smoke


Let's eat !

She went to the kitchen - I thought, she’s gone.
I called 911.

Then she came back - she brought me a sandwich.
I called her My Love.


my migraine is over

<keanu reeves> - 2003/02/28 08:55 



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