Spring Fete in Crete
the voice informs me.
I visualise the harbour
gleaming, paws of the break-
water honeycombed with rays,
Venetian envoys dreaming.
I too have embarked at Piraeus,
watched the keel cleaving
dark waters like silk, seen
ocean and sky separate
into tissues of light, as dawn
tinges the walls of Chanea.
It is the month when potent blossoms
open in the Samaria; dead queens
glide out of the shades to gather them.
Priestesses adorn their breasts with living
pectorals of snakes, and bearing blood-
red lilies, come the girls.
Note: The Great Dragon, "dracunculus vulgaris", is a lily with large, deep crimson spathes, known to the ancients as an aphrodisiac. It appears in spring in the Gorge of Samaria and elsewhere in Crete.
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С уважением,
Александр Рытов 23.07.2003 13:17 Заявить о нарушении
I am enjoying reading your poems very much. I would also like to compliment you on your English, which seems very natural and fluent.
Thank you for your kind words, and I wish you and your family an enjoyable visit to beautiful Kriti!
С уважением,
Jena Woodhouse 23.07.2003 17:58 Заявить о нарушении