Поедание Зомбоф. eng. ver

I went to the graveyard to eat some dead-corpse
And put a spade with a mochet in bag
I'll have to dig some very old graves
And make of zomie'z meat sommme _stake_!!

I tried to dig not once but twice
And did without any sorrow
A hand appeared out there.Nice!
'cause a zomby got out with terrible horror

I heard the sounds of steps behind
Got out mochet and turned around
There wuz a horde of zomby hounds
I looked at them and called Satan

I slashed the zombies head apart
And threw it into zombie'z horde
I cleaned /1. the pus/2. mochet in graveyard ground
And felt inside the curse of Bones

Soton reliefed me from the curse
I ran inside the horde of deads
While chewing zombie'z meat's piece
And slayed them all just like insects!

At last I took a can of gas
And put the deads like upside cross
Then kissed the pentagrAmm of glass
And showed them FUCK without cause!!

I made the Fire with anger on face
To the seventeenth sky the smoke did rise
And soon will come my very best friends
And we will eat all of the coocked zombies!

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