To His Excellency the Conde-Duque

I stay in the blessed chapel, kneeled to pray,
condemned to pass from life, with no relief,
I rue the cause more than the urge to leave,
besieged by hunger, having gone astray.

I blame my lack of fortune all the way,
and even more, that I was timid, stiff.
I blame myself for both but in my grief
at least I’ll go confessed, with no delay.

And while my fate will try the sharpened steel
on me, the shiny blade is coming near
I still have hopes that you may help and will.
Oh, let your noble hand wipe off my fear
I’ll let this sonnet tell what tears conceal,
to be my tongue and heart, to reach your ear.

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Al excelentisimo senor el Conde-Duque 
En la capilla estoy y condenado 
a pasar sin remedio de esta vida. 
Siento la causa aun mas que la partida, 
por hambre expulso como sitiado. 
Culpa ha sido el ser yo tan desdichado; 
mayor, de condicion ser encogida. 
De ellas me acuso en esta despedida, 
y partire a lo menos confesado. 
Examine mi suerte el hierro agudo, 
que a pesar de sus filos me prometo 
alta piedad de vuestra excelsa mano. 
Ya que mi encogimiento ha sido mudo, 
los numeros, senor, de este soneto 
lengua sean y lagrimas no en vano. 

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