The Farewell Song

(перевод прощальной песни из к/ф "Обыкновенное чудо")

Let's talk now in whispers,
Let's not be aloud,
Let's bid our farewells now, and go.
A week, an another
And we will calm down
What was, that was, it's gone
Of course it is horrible, so stupid and sensless,
Oh how could one turn back the time?
The past can't be turned back, it's rather unthinkable,
And even don't have it in mind.

Let's deal with our lunches,
Let's deal with our clothing,
Let's fill our living with cares,
It's easier that way
It's simplier truly
It truly is hurting much less

Let's not be so sad
Let's not charm the fate
By god, it is not worth the pain,
Oh, yes, gentlemen
Not maybe, not sometime
But never, ever again.

Say, ain't it so sweet
And so very good,
Came and went away,
Was and left for good.


Спасибо! Мы с женой улыбнулись! :)))

Алексей Караковский   21.02.2003 09:05     Заявить о нарушении

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