Spiralling grass, sole changing smell of dew...

Spiralling grass, sole changing smell of dew.
As if all things together, old and new,
Expressed by palpitation of the mist,
Are gone or re-transformed, which is the same.
For roaming rain it’s easy to insist
Upon obedience when things are so tame.

Half-faltering on their broken edge,
Half-willing to accept this hinted pledge
Of thistle-down - rivalling flakes of air,
Thin trees, as if they’re twisted by the guilt
Of being stiffened, moving nowhere,
Are waving their branches, cracked and split.

This partly sensed, transparent scent of milk
Dissolved in lulling air turned to silk
By dense and pendent anguish of fulfilment
And stagnancy. Elsewhere, on the marble roofs
Of shrines, each milky spot is like a seal, meant
To be erased, that still remains and proves.

If things could be as they for sure mean,
They would be less surprising to be seen,
Completely gone beyond anticipations
To follow their wish. This daily jail,
Entailed repeat - make them get out of patience,
Compose and bloom within the framework frail.

Winged firework of forms, thus meant to be
Somewhere else where no one can see,
Roves here. Every palm of autumn leaves
So tenderly enrolls a part of morning,
With winds and rains, and afterwards conceives
So deep inside, where ripens naught but longing. 

Fermentive prolongation of the day,
Where knot and rupture, purple sough and clay
Prescribe their inner routs one to another
Internally, and only from inside   
Affect their transposition, being rather
Disjunctive like a low lunar tide.

And shivering, with eyelids downcast,
Yet half-protected from the icy blast
By dirty and dishevelled raven hair,
Your soul, as if escaping from pursuit, 
Climbs desperately up the falling stair,
Still grasping corners of a cloven lute.


I'm surprised to see it was overlooked by the readers.
Where are all the acclaims?
This is an instant classic.
Some of your lines are so familiar, yet they are so original -
like some obscure thoughts that never materialized into words.

For roaming rain it’s easy to insist
Upon obedience when things are so tame.

Thin trees, as if they’re twisted by the guilt

So tenderly enrolls a part of morning,
With winds and rains, and afterwards conceives
So deep inside, where ripens naught but longing.

Your soul, as if escaping from pursuit,
Climbs desperately up the falling stair,

Беляева Дина   27.03.2010 22:22     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, Dina. I am afraid my poetry is generally overlooked by the readers. However, I am very pleased that you read it with such understanding and perception. Even having few readers like yourself makes it worth pursuing. With warm regards, Vlanes

Vlanes   29.03.2010 08:50   Заявить о нарушении
вы очень красиво пишите по английский но мой Конандль ДОЛЬ ТЕМ ОРГАНИЧЕН

Александр Федурин   11.04.2019 21:43   Заявить о нарушении

В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →