Neath stony oak walking slumbers cat s which conta

'neath stony oak walking slumbers cat's which contains a glance dream inside...
Hounds, wolves, the vividity observe are
Possession of Anjou und Maen weaps hearth of me,
The white rose's fiveleaveness of my childhood.

Remember the words,
Remember the Land,
Remember Loving You,
Remember the Sight,
Walking along,
With you beside,
Seeing a colors,
Changes in a waltz.

Saying "I am" in visual,
Then saying "I do",
Then "WE start the" in dignity,
"Well done, WE Love that WE has to do".

I am have my aim,
Apply the feeling,
Do invitation,
Call agreement.

You sang 'Tell me why”,
Beloved, desired, smiled,
I similar feelings have,
Thinking can be part of Love.

If you need become vampire you need
With good given a drop of blood
The liquid is very sensitive,
You adventures have.

In almost each the joke desire exists ,
 Almost each gravity come along with additional meanings,
 A bat in flight settles seam kins.

Two left hands has done one heart,
Whom girls do Love?
Me! Mine!

Едва заметный свет восхода солнца,
Скорее понятый, чем увиденный,
По пенью птиц,
А ты мои глаза ладошками прикрыла,
И запах сладкий подоспел снизу.

Barely perceptible light of the Sunrise,
Rather understood than seen,
From singing birds,
And you my eyes closed by your tender palms,
And the smell of sweetness came from beneath.
24th March 2011

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