Beneath Sensation

What is there beneath sensation
Why does the feeling burn you out
Why does love require giving
With a little chance of getting back?
Experience of searching far
For life-long happiness and love?
You did it. But you did not find
Well, She's in search for same now
She does not listen to your mind
To relax and look around
... As you did

You found Her, She's your queen
She's better that anyone you've seen
But you're in cage, She's put you there
And doors She locked for good
Weakest chance She'll let you out
Means She has a broken heart
And you will feel yourself a vulcher
... Best of possibilities you have

Will you tear down the weil
From not so big a secret anymore
Just when? And Where? And How?
Soundless words when She departs
Words aloud when She arrives
Words worldwide, in paint
When She's not yours, living far
... Without intention to come back

