A dozen of haikus

       to zhs
it's hard to find dew
when the rays are so piercing
burning the gardens of love

the sky high above
brings up the dusk to your feet
over the sea waves

darkness embraces
thy strong body while the sea
whashes thy tired feet

clouds still high above
over the quiet sea shore
meanwhile the dawn comes

purplish red clouds
are lit by the evening sun
while the dawn hugs your trunk

never again we
will walk down this sea shore
the two trees ’ll stay here

two at the nightfall
they come closer together
while the sea calms down

come here again thee
silky fragile butterfly
thy guard i’ll watch calm

fall high in the sky
deep in the waters and woods
beneath in the ponds

heavy grey clouds fly
route lies in front soon i’ll start
will they wait for me

long is the footpath
from the darkness to heavens
white snows are too thick

two in the shadow
of a willow in silence
coupled for ever

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