The One Who Touch The Sky

I was lying on the grass,
The silence took my soul away,
The sky reflected in my eyes,
Cold winter's cured my burning pain

I heard the birds above my mind
They were talking to my spirit,
The free spirit I could find
In the infinity of LIFE

Let your spirit fly,
And never let yourself deny
Your freedom given by the life!
You are the one, who touch the sky,
If you just do not deny
The life is beautiful, all right

When I’m opening my eyes,
I feel my spirit so astray,
I see the blackness of the sky,
But I see my way again, 
When all that stars bring me the light
To take my pain away

Let the Sun into your soul!
The life is not as black as coal,
It’s just shades and lights,
And that’s the deal of LIFE

Let your spirit fly!
And never let yourself deny
Your freedom given by the life!
You are the one, who touch the sky!
Rise from sadness, you can fly!
You are the one, who touch the sky

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