Dedicated to my best friend

There are many people in my world,
Though my world is sometimes crazy.
You are in my world, you are my friend,
A friend when I was lonely,
When there was no one else.
You strengthened my weaknesses.
You lifted me when I fell.
Deep within myself I felt apart.
But no one heard me cry. They only saw me laugh.
You saw me fall apart inside,
And you stopped your world to help me get mine started again.
I see people everyday in my world.
But I see you everyday in my heart…
As my friend.

I am yours
Not as a friend
Take my power
Come to my land
And say Hello
To your desire

Motor   17.11.2002 17:34     Заявить о нарушении
You will touch me - and I ll become woman,
You will love me - I ll set myself be free.
Our desire was consecrated by SOMETHING high above,
We are eternally bonded together for eternity.

Ksewbutterfly   18.11.2002 10:56   Заявить о нарушении