The Ode to our Mother Earth
Who did to Paradise give birth,
For the blue of Heaven bright,
Forests fragrance breath at night,
For rains that pour on fertile field,
For fruitful summer's harvest yeild.
Thank You? Mother-Earth? for Love
Which falls upon us from above.
You brought me up, oh Bumi-Devi*,
You cradled me when I was baby.
Thank You for songs in morning light
You did my heart so pure as mild.
Thanks You for the snow of gray hair -
It's my wise winter's loving care.
For sparkling stars in the midnight,
For all You give to little child.
Oh Mother-Earth, all thanks to You
For emerald waves which I can view,
And clodes in the Heaven say:
My thanks for blooming springing day,
For Your Maternal Love's delight.
The chorus sings You praise in skies
And let it be until sunrise
Does dawn above You by the year.
Along my life I'll thank and hear
Your affable and kind advice:
"Shold love all world and reach God's wise".
Oh Holy Mother of the Earth!
I extol You and elogize...
For all that I believe and love
I gratitude You, my Holy Dove.
*Bumi-Devi - имя богини Земли в индуистской мифоогии.
Стихи на русском языке, с которых сделан этот перевод написан Полиной Оськиной.
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