Song Cause life is the answer

Cause life is the answer
No help and no chances
Soon you will know – no time
No friends and no money
If you think it’s funny
Soon you will know – no time

Something’s really wrong
Something’s wrong, something’s wrong,
Save me from tears and from million eyes
Save me from tears and from million eyes

Cause  life is a question
And Saints're out of fashion
Soon you will know – no time
No friends and no money
If you think it’s funny
Soon you will know – no time

Nothing’s really wrong,
Nothing’s wrong, nothing’s wrong,
Save me from tears and from million eyes
Save me from tears and from million eyes

Асенька! Класс!!!
"Nothing's really wrong!" И жизнь как ответ.
Тут каждое слово на своем смысловом месте! Кайф!!!

Ю.Б.Мартова   24.03.2004 21:23     Заявить о нарушении
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