FDTD Finite-Difference Time-Domain

When your organism cannot drink any more,
And all the females have got you and bored,
Start up your PC and run your Windows,
Then start Resonator: fill rows and cols.

Three left should be filled with the coordinates,
Three next with heights, widths and lengths.
Radius, sigma and epsilon should be
Entered in three next columns and then…

Then press Runtime button and go
To the window that allows you to
Define the dimensions of your virtual space,
Then, come, press Run button to depict a trace.

Run it once more,
When your head is aching,
When vision is blur.
Lightened your mind
Will be just at that time
When you allow yourself
Be absorbed by…
Electromagnetic terror!

Your mind with your body together will fly
And oscillate slowly in tact with the rhyme
That Maxwell composed lots of years ago,
So you won’t be able to run or to crawl.

Absorbing conditions could let you pass through,
But perfect conductor will prison you
In the space, that lies between its sparkling walls,
There’s no way out, ‘course there’re no holes.

No holes to escape through but don’t give up
Lossy dielectric will help you come back.
Fields would touch it loosing their strength,
Until all the amplitudes come to an end.

And who is that creature that dwells in the program,
Unstableness, damned, it happened with logon.
It starts the pulsation and breaks all the ways out
To quite this creature nothing can help, shout.

The only rescue is to press button “Stop”,
Draw mouse pointer and click it a lot.
If you are in time and able to think,
The process will be stopped but you’re as a brick.

Your mind’s still devoured by the pictures you’ve seen.
Your eyes are all scarlet and face is pale green.
Next time after drinking, try to complain
Of Finite-Difference Time-Domain.

На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.