Despise song for Toccata by Paul Mauriat

I can’t explain in words
How I despise your view,
It makes me sick when I just glance at you
You can’t imagine how my mind may fall
‘Cause of your view, in a deep, deep hole.

I can’t explain in words
How I despise your speech
I’m going crazy when you speak as bitch.
So many times I try to shut you up,
It looks like useless, ‘course you’re really rough.

I can’t explain in words
How I despise you laughs.
It sounds as if a heard of horses neighs,
I feel like I am in stables when
Somebody’s joke is gonna give you fun.

Couldn’t you be soft enough
To rest my mind a bit.
Please, vanish of my sight – fly or creep.
D’ you mind your doing pleasant thing for me,
If you do not – I beg you, disappear.

When you die away
I will feel easy.
It’s gonna make me a king I was to be (without you).
And if it takes you soon to come back really,
I’ll cry out:” Heavens, why haven’t you saved me?”

Fever will strike me
If you come back too soon,
It’ll strike me even if you return at all,
The only thing I’ll have to do in light of Moon
Is come to asylum and beg to save my soul.

I can’t explain in words
How I despise you whole.
I’d push you down a hill as a stone to roll,
You’d fly and call for help but who can hear?
That hill exists in a place where none is near.

I would be freed of you
But law prevents me from
Making a crime, because I don’t want
To be taken under guard and sent away
Because I threw you down in such way,
And ‘course they cannot understand
Desire of soul
Which independent of my mind
And of my will,
Still comes here every day.

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