Impressions Meeting friends

I like meeting my old friends.
They remember those days when I was
younger and a bit different.
I know they have always been good to me.

I meet them in streets -
they smile and say:
Oh, my good old fellow, I haven`t seen you for ages!
I meet them in libraries -
quiet and wistful a moment ago, they
shake my hand, smile warmly and say:
Wow, where have you been all this time!
Going downstairs
I meet them rushing upstairs on their way
to somewhere - suddenly they
stop, look intently at me, a broad smile already
shines brightly on their surprised face
as they say:
Goodness me, it`s you! I`m so happy to see you again!
and then they say:
You haven`t changed since!
and yet they say:
Do you remember her? She is over the ocean now.

I like meeting friends, especially my old ones.
They remind me so much of those days.
They remind me of myself.
Younger and a bit different.

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