Theese Legs blues

Here comes my good friend
I am ready for party.
We’ll go there together
I’ve already excited

And because I’ve seen legs
Legs of my pretty maid
Legs being able to suicide
It’s girl who is my friend


O, these legs
Excite my sex
They are long
They are strong
O, theese legs
I say them “Thanks”
For a graceful beautyness
For a given happiness
For a wish to Rock’h’Roll
Without rest!

There are lots of cars
In large garages of richmen.
All girls like go for a drive
And don’t like ‘job in kitchen.

Let I’m fellow not rich
But my baby is best
When we have fun at joy-rides
I caress her slim legs.


And because of theese legs
Angel clean became fallen
Why do me say about’em?
It is simple I love’em.

Though so do you
Though so does he
Look around How many their!
And I number legs seen:

That number is one
That number is two
That number is three
That number is four
That number is five
That number is six…
I tired in my brain inflamed
All legs and buttocks quickly mixed
But only Theese!..

Theese gentle legs
Excite my sex
They are long
They are strong
O-o, theese legs
I say them “Thanks”
For a graceful beautyness
For a given happiness
For a wish to Rock’h’Roll
Without rest
O, Yes…

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