Второй залп

I've been accused of being capricious
I've been told that i am quite the same
As I was when modeling seemed dreamy
And the boorish attitude brought fame.
Underneath I begged to be complaisant
Outside I yelled and told to fuck
off with gossip, jealousy and hatred
And I thought that happiness was luck!
I am older (many claim not much)
I am wiser (many claim not even)
I am taller (taller then the bunch
I hung out with when I was just eleven.
(You will likely castigate for that,
 but am not concerned with my vagina.)
Life's fiasco, flies and even string quartet,
Literature's compendium are simply minor
Interactions with my world.
Please do not become confounded. i am clear.
I am not pretending to be more.
Than a spoiled girl still trying to become austere.

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