
I’m depressed, when meeting you,
Cause you don’t see me anyhow.
Let’s go away, I want you to,
In outer worlds, let’s do it now.

But I’m staying next to you,
Without saying any word,
I look at you – you’re pretty good,
You are an angel, I’m – not!

Your boyfriend is a funny chap,
We often take with him two beers,
We often chat – I don’t say that,
I want his place with you, my dear. 

Last night I’ve seen you in my dreams,
I’ve held your body in my hands,
We have been kissing on the street,
Today I can’t get even glance…

I touch your hand – you turn around,
You smile to me – I smile to you,
I drive myself into the ground,
Hard, like an old unsuited screw.

We talk about different books,
And films and all that stuffy things,
About dishes, you have cooked,
About Lords, about Rings…

I shake your hand, and go away,
I go away, you stay behind,
And we’re friends, but anyway,
I’m loving you, so leave my mind!

написано по вполне конкретной персоналии…

Не слабо... Более того...


Mah   09.07.2002 17:59     Заявить о нарушении
For details, see "Ступеньки..."

Mah   11.07.2002 14:30   Заявить о нарушении
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