Swords not words lead to oblivion

I thought I find the way
Between dark rocks & streams,
I wished to run to flame
Through thorns of chipped dream;

I’ve got promises true
That Hell & Heaven will
Disturb my road a few
Cause toke unusual bills;

The sky is clear. It waits
To follow me to fog
But I resisted games
Of crazy & mad dogs;

I was prepared well
& ready to mistakes
But… nothing, it’s just… smell,
My point can’t be fake!

My steps as rainy spring
From thunder to sunrise
& Road is straight, it feels
like victory…
But price, -

I miss her shying sleep,
& rise of beauty laugh,
Her creamy-screamy lips,
Night breath of breasts, so tough,
I found the way but loose
Main stone of the sun
Of happiness – it isn’t chose
& broken heart still boils my mind…

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