
sHe is my silver line
You are my all
sHe is my fortune design
You are my mating call

sHe is my iris
You are my eye
sHe is Isida-&-Osiris
You are the Sea of Rye

sHe’s a sign of treason
You’re a sign of escape
sHe is the shape of my reason
You’re the reason to shape

You are the story to fear
sHe is  the song to complete
You’re both my beloved, dear,
Doomed to  compete.


love can be cruel,
or simply be cool
love hurts or burns you
or make you a fool

It gives you much pleasure,
Or makes you break rules
It can be your treasure
Or destroy your life tunes

and sometimes forever
can push you to choice
or force to choose never
and live loving both

Назарова О   08.02.2007 17:15     Заявить о нарушении
smtims u hav 2 git thru, or stay wher u r 4long. i hate this schiza bt wha cn i do?
thnx 4takn time
(клава западает не все буки выговариваются:)))


Ai-Group   12.02.2007 09:21   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.