Caress my feelings...

Caress my feelings
With the boldness of your kiss…
Detox my feelings
With your medicine, that kills…
Please, find a sidewalk to my dreams
To walk along,
Caress my feelings,
Give me hope and make me strong.
Caress my feelings…
Don’t look so hopeless…
Turn to me – I’ll switch your light…
You hate the coldness?
Touch my heart – it’s hot and bright…
Don’t sing the requiem!
Please, trust, I’ll wait for you…
Don’t look so hopeless…
Take my hand! Let’s pass al through.
Don’t look so hopeless…
Believe… I'm living -
Feel the thunder in my heart…
Ensure your being -
Lean on me, become my part…
I'll be your aim,
Your twinkling star in Milky Way,
I'll bring you fame -
Discover me in faraway...
Believe… I'm living...

© Hasmik Movsisyan
Ереван - 2002

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