The Arrows Of Love

If the arrows of love ever hit you
You won't hear the shot...
You will not realise till they meet you.
Oh, believe me, you won't!

You will not feel a thing for a second,
When they pass through your heart,
Through your soul... You can hear it breaking...
And you're falling apart...

Yes, I've been there. I was shot badly...
And the wound? It was healed.
But the scar on my heart big and ugly
Aching, I have it still...

After I've been once shot, I'm wearing a shield,
It's not easy to get me so simply,
And avoiding I am all the open wide fields,
And my home is my fortress, believe me.

Sincerely yours,

Геннадий Сергиенко   23.10.2002 03:38     Заявить о нарушении
I've built a wall around me.
I'm not afraid of arrows!
The problem's now my company
Ain't people, only shadows!

Thaks a lot!
Best luck!

Тимченко Марина   23.10.2002 20:20   Заявить о нарушении
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