Hard sensation

From the East to the West
I begin the big march.
And for all British boys-girls
I make the brit-pop.

This is the musical style
For all free lands and soils.
And my motto now is
"Freestyle for everybody".

The century is ending,
The age of waterfaller too.
Now begin the new age,
The age of dolphin.

For all people of all world
My name is Alex.
I give to the unprotected
The protect from Diablo.

Hard sensation in New-York
Made me very famous.
I gave in the concert-hall
The publishing concert.

Who are you tomorrow?
Tell me, what is your name?
What will you do tonight?
Let's go to the garbage.

Do you like the garbage?
Do you like the tins?
Know that the unprotected
Live in this place.

Tell me now, have you the problems?
Ask me now, Have I the problems?
Let's go ask: have people problems?
The answer is "O'k".


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