Extended life

Extended life in Hollywood.
Can I go out? Can I go home?
Hey, body, you wand nothing.
Let's go, let's go with me.

And the spring in this day.
She wants to USA.
She must die for this day,
But I don't want today.

She'll be in Paradise tomorrow.
And my Buddha with me
Can you help. Like him.

One hundred news and one TV-set
In our house in all city.
You can come to me
And I read to you.

Know, that "Koran" isn't badly,
Know, that "Bible" isn't badly.
You go to this step-by-step.
And I see you at this way.

And my Buddha with me
Can you help. Like him.

This is time to Armageddon.
The end of the days near.
I'll help to you
In this diing world.

And my Buddha with me
Can you help. Like him.


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