Sad Days

Here is evening come...
So fast the days are go away
For me, for you, for all of us,
The days are gone and no return to past...

Sad thoughts are come to me, to you,
They come to us to kill of sence-
The sence of life which was between of us
To separate of our souls and our hearts

Past days is gone forever
And no return for they,
But something scratching our souls,
But something is disturb of us...

Sad days for me - without you,
Sad days for you - without me,
We can't do anything for us,
We can't to change that days for us

The every day is sad for us
They passed away and no return
We never meet again together
We never here herts of both of us

You far away from me forewer
Me far away from you
I'm feeling sad without you      
I'm dying now without you

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