On Love

*We are a little bit closer than we used to be,
a little bit more often with each other, aren’t we?
*When separated, by obligation or otherwise,
we try to restore our paradise
*I reveal my secrets to you with sympathy
you disclose your soul and the whole your life to me
*We are not reticent before each other
and share negatives, not being scared of them rather
*You know my meanings and secret codes
I know what you mean, when it’s even untold
*We have joint rules for having a shared path
and the expressions, which are only for us
*And I’m glad you’ve made a space for me in your life
and so did I for you, have time to try
*I see you in the future - enough for predictions
you also can rely on my attitudes and my convictions
*I need not know about the besides -“us” things
if you think it’s better for us to be like this
*I like you more while being with you, I believe
I know about the trust and love you have for me
*We know about the uniqueness of us,
nobody can replace you; the same I see in your eyes
*We are the unbreakable and solid creation of our hearts,
of our minds and feelings; and all of them know this truth


as I`ve got it, it`s not a poetic kind of love, not even a romantic one, but a mature, solid, and.. with high degree of conviction and friendship...

as for a poem, at first, the changes in WE, I, YOU.. were unconcinient, but then.. ok
well... I like the topic, the idea, but the poem seems to be a little bit.. incompleted with much effort in a sense of technique, form..

but I liked your thoughtfullness
thank you

Клюква   01.04.2002 03:13     Заявить о нарушении
may be you are right, may be...
but I tried to put as much thoughts as I could.. thus, form-secrifice :-)


Ersatz   01.04.2002 08:08   Заявить о нарушении