Some random thoughts dedicated to the boys from Kursk

Due to inability to think or feel thoughout
Prior to emotional holocaust
I sink deeper than the unfortunate submarine
Pushed by the weight of all the lives lost.

Eighteen year old lives were worth just as much
As my friendship to the spoiled jappy
Russian Government out of spite
Told Norwegians to lay off and be happy

So when I sit here, in the warmth and comfort of
My husbands home. I try not to sink deeper with "Kursk".
And to stop mentally trying to shut off the weapons...
Something leaked and then...

Some were lucky to blow up immediately
Some they say
wrote to their wives
As they sat in the dark corners of the heaviest grave
Or were they laying.
As for those asked, they as always, were lying
Giving hope and stealing it away
while the parents cried
as well as one pregnant wife
who could not cry
for the sake of her child (forsakened)
valerian root
should not be taken
while pregnant.
so she maintained composure
but i can't
Since I am not about to be breastfeeding
And so I yell at the top of my lungs. almost pleading...

Thank you my homeland. 
You've killed more than you could.
Or should.
you got a conscience?
Mr. Navy Boss.  Have you imagined what its like to die
at this cost????
I've got a question for you
And lately I do not ask questions
What color is your soul? Most think - that its navy???
Or Lime like betrayal
Or is it red?
If you murder your people at training
What do you do with them dead?

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