Missing a soul
Why things happen the way that they do?
Maybe I should just die?
So to leave all alone
But will people then cry?
Will they miss me at all?
Will it matter to them?
Will they see things of mine?
Places we went,
Things that we did
Will they remember?
Could they forget?
Maybe they wouldn't
Remember at all:
That I ever lived,
That there was a girl,
Who lived on this earth,
Who had her own thoughts,
Who dreamed and imagined
But never did get
The things that she wanted,
Those most dear to her,
That which she longed for,
Always escaped her.
So she decided
To take her own life
But even that thought
Didn't satisfy her.
She wanted for people
To care and know
That when she was dying
She needed them so.
But they never did
And so when she did it
Her soul was forever
Forgotten and dead,
All that was left
Was her body that's it.
So then the next day
The sun rose again
And it woken her up
But it was too late.
Never again would she feel,
Would she love,
It was too late
Her soul had already died.
She would be kind now,
She will pretend to care,
But never again
Could she really feel things again.
Just like all people,
Not any different,
But so cold inside,
Such an empty hole
Instead of a heart.
No one would know:
Living and breathing
But missing a soul.
Because when she needed them
No one did come,
To save her from loneliness,
To save her braking in pieces heart.
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