Naked Death inspired by Crocodile

The moon is imprisoned in the silence of stars. Scrambled with partly fresh air, the birds are choking on the leafless trees. The World is going to die of sadness for its own mortality. The Great Man is a Great Loser when there is nobody to praise him for his victory. Nothing wrong with the nature; except, God underestimated the number of bugs in the human mind. The craving of self-termination determined the Fate of the Creature of Reason. Confusing morality played tricks with perception of Goodness. Immoral deeds justified themselves in the eye of arbitrary Justice. Overloaded with passions, the Creature of Reason unintentionally chose to be not. Nothing is wrong with the Universe, except it lost enormous amount of energy on humans. It was pointless. To justify this silly mistake of Someone, the Death has been called upon the Great Ordeal. She has a status of a Savior. She rescues divine omniscience and omnipotence, justifying it by itself. And therefore He has to love her. That’s the price. He eats her flash before the eyes of immortal skies and bottomless sea. He is the Great Sinner when He is with her. He murders just to make her laugh. He humiliates Himself just to make her higher in her eyes. He undresses her passionately for her emotionless tongue kiss. She licks Him from inside to male Him obsessed with His own Immortality. She is naked before Him, but she is a mystery. He is dressed up tightly, but He can’t hide anything from her. She is mad and she is wise. She is wicked and she is just. She is Death, but there is nobody more alive than she is.

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