
I'm so tired of myself:
I dream by music,
But can't write it.
I'm so clumsy to express
The taste of life by simple writing...
I'm so difficult in thoughts,
I still don't know what's important:
To live today or search for notes:
What for I am and what is wanted.

But when I know that you dance,
That resurrects my soul for many
For many feelings and regards,
For magic wishes so glaring.

I do love cherishing your wings,
Please let me think that you are flying.
Gosh, make the music kiss those wings,
And let the wind to twist and squeeze
That precious silk above your knees.

I'm so tired jumping steps,
Why do I need so many choices,
I wish to show you the best,
But still I'm looking for God's voices.
I'm so tired of my hopes,
I do not seem believing any,
I'm really tired making stops,
Which I presume weren't cost a penny,
I'm so ignorant in love,
I do not wait for any better,
But when I know that you dance
That resurrects my soul at once
For many feelings about us.

But when I know that you dance,
That resurrects my soul to ask
For love to be and love to last.

But when I know that you dance
I'm so happy of your glance
At fairy tale that grows vast.

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