Untimely Death

So many lights she's in the middle,
Just like a star is in the spotlight.
She lost it all; she lost the battle,
This room is large, it's cold but bright so.

So many people all around,
They cry and weep and talk and sigh.
One hears the music's quiet sound,
And sees the flowers lit in light.

Her face is beautiful, so gentle:
Her arms, her never - ending smile.
In this here place she'll have to settle,
She will be staying for a while.

She brought no pictures, bags or luggage,
This silky dress is all she's got.
This wooden black so coffin - carriage
Will take away her soul to God.

To never smell the leaves of trees,
To never see the sun go up.
To never be, to never please,
To never climb the mountains top.

She was so young when death had reached her,
And so she left our earth for good.
No more to love, no one to love her,
Eternal peace is now her mood.

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